My Eurostar Trips

Simply add your next Eurostar trip and enjoy the journey with LittleSeaty! Follow your Facebook friends. Find out when they will be travelling and where they will be sitting.

Seat Plan &
Fellow Passengers

Discover the seating plan of your Eurostar and find out who will be sitting next to you! LittleSeaty will tell you if you have any friends on board and suggest new contacts.

Expats & Other Members
Around Me

You live in the same area so why not connect with other expats and LittleSeaty members? Simply select your filter (age, distance, friends in common, nationality, etc).

Personalise your Eurostar trip

Find out if you have any friends or connections on board, indicate your trip mood or simply retrieve your seat information.
LittleSeaty will also suggest new contacts for you to connect with (e.g. mutual friends, colleagues, Eurostars in common, etc) and allow you to share your trip status on Facebook!

Meet your Fellow Passengers

Access the passenger list of your Eurostar and make new connections before, during and after your trip. Simply send chat invitations or secretly match with other passengers to grow your network.
Filter the Eurostar travellers by age, friends in common, country of origin & residence, interests, etc.

Discover your Seating Plan

Discover the seating plan of your Eurostar and find out who will be sitting next to you! LittleSeaty will also show you the trip moods of the other passengers in your coach. Finally, activate your secret profile to hide your pics & info until departure if needed.

You live in the same area?
Let's Connect!

LittleSeaty will help you to make new connections with other expats and LittleSeaty members around you. Don't forget to select a max distance, gender, age, nationality, interests, etc.

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